dataTables Column Search
21 March 2015
dataTables is a nifty jquery plugin for displaying large sets of data. However, we need to do smarter column based searching.
###The Problem:
- How, using dataTables, to create a singular search box that can search whole table and for a singular column. Via leveraging of the dataTables API, we are able to customize our own search/filter. I believe this is far superior to the default search as it allows search by column without putting an ugly search box on each column.
- Rails 4.2.0 + jquery dataTables + twitter bootstrap
- We will focus on dataTables here and skip the rails specifific tasks (creating app, model, controller, view, etc)
- This is a very simple rails app, built only to demonstrate in the simplest possible format the dataTables search
- source code for this blog can be found here.
###HTML(ERB format):
####Custom SearchBox (lines 6-23):
- Setup the div leveraging bootstrap classes
- Due to styling issues with bootstrap dropdowns and addons, we will use a drop down menu here instead of select box
- We assign a value to each line element. this is important The values here will correspond to the column indexes that dataTables uses.
- dataTables starts at 0 and goes left to right in indexing the columns. This is how we will determin which column to search if one is selected.
- The result here will be a drop down search menu with search box and info button for help instructions.
- Note the assigned id s on some of the elements. These will be used when we write the javascript.
####Setup basic dataTable with search box (lines 15-25):
- lines 16-18: Setup the table and specifically set the sDom for length, information, and pagination excluding the filter(f) attribute.
- We could also not include the sDom setting and just hide the specific dataTables filter class.
- lines 19-21: Search the table on keyup from the searchbox id
- lines 22-24: Enable the popover tip functionality of bootstrap for our info button
####Dropdown column switching (lines 6-14):
- line 7: First clear the search filters
- lines 8-9: Remove the active class from all and then apply it back to the one that was clicked on
- lines 10-12: Find the selector button and replace the text of it with the current clicked on item. Append back the caret.
- lines 13: Clear out the search text box
####Perform Search using dataTables API (lines 27-39):
- line 28: Get the value of the active selection
- lines 29-32: If the column index is Search All(-1), then perform the search against the whole table and redraw it.
- lines 33-37: Else if a specific column is selected, perform a column search and redraw the table.
- Note: We have set the options to true for the search in each case regex and smart search.
- More can be read on what these options mean here.
- Here we are simply aligning the dataTables length with our custom search box. Effectivily putting our search box in the place where the default one was.
- Note: This is due to the dataTables dom setup.
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